Glory Nylander

Doula | Postpartum Doula | Lactation Specialist | Musician | Designs

Doula Services:

My Mission: As a mother of two, with one on the way, I am passionate about helping mothers on their journey from pregnancy, to pushing, to postpartum and parenting. During the pandemic my daughter and I donated over 500oz of breastmilk to babies in the NICU and I hope to help and encourage new mothers on their breastfeeding journey! I am here to share information fairly and let you decide what is best for you and your growing family. Every mother deserves calm, confidence, and unwavering support during this special transition into motherhood or a larger family, and that is what I intend to do. I will encourage mothers to listen to their instincts as they labor or prepare for cesarean section and learn to care for their newborn. You know your body and your baby best!

I am passionate about helping mothers who have had a previous planned or emergency Cesarean Section, and helping each mother tell and process their birth story through one-on-one postpartum care sessions or in a CSection Support groups available online or in Hilo, HI.

What is a Doula? As a Doula, I accompany women in labor to help ensure a safe and satisfying birth experience. I am studying toward my Labor Doula, EpiDoula, Lactation Specialist and Educator and Postpartum Doula Certification through Maternity Wise Institute. I draw on my knowledge and experience to provide emotional support, physical comfort and as make sure that you have the information you need to make informed decisions as they arise in labor. I can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, making suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning, and other techniques for comfort. I am independent and self-employed. As your Doula, I am working for you.

What Doulas do not do: As a Doula, I will not:

• Perform clinical tasks, such as blood pressure, fetal heart checks, vaginal exams, and others. I am there to provide physical comfort, emotional support and help with self-advocacy.

• Make decisions for you. I will provide you with or help you get the information necessary to make an informed decision. I will also remind you if there is a departure from your Birth Preferences.

• Speak to the staff, instead of you, regarding matters where decisions are being made. I will discuss your concerns with you and suggest options, but you or your partner will speak on your behalf to the clinical staff.

Postpartum Doula Services:

Postpartum care $40 ($20 before certification) per hour usually 2.5 - 5 hour visits. Postpartum Care could be seen as "Mothering the New Mother," by providing emotional support, an extra set of eyes and hands to help with mother and baby. Postpartum care includes birth debrief/support, light household chores like cooking, dishes, laundry, breastfeeding support, or watching the baby while mother rests or does self-care. I offer music by request - guitar, ukulele, harmonica and singing for mom and baby to relax and encourage baby's brain development. 

Postpartum Package 1: 12 hours split between 4 visits over the first 4 weeks Postpartum $480 ($240 Before Certification)

Postpartum Package 2: 40 hours in the first 40 days $1,600 ($800 Before Certification)

Lactation Specialist Services:

Lactation Specialist one-on-one breastfeeding support $50 an hour. ($20 before certification) I will support you through a variety of situations such as latch, trouble shooting, hand expression, pumping, milk donation, baby feeding routine and more!  Visits are typially one to two hours, and two visits are recommended so we can track progress and make adjustments and further recommendations as needed. Call and Text support included.

Classes | Trainings | Support Groups:

Starting in the near future I will be offering in-person classes, book studies and support groups at `Ohana Pregnancy Center.


To book your free consultation email me at, I would love to serve you and your family during this very special transition in your life!